Thursday, 7 July 2011

中华人民共和国??? 中华人民共和国!!!

What's up loyal followers? Got some cool news last week but didn't really tell people about it because I was waiting to see if it was all good. Since I'm getting my Israeli citizenship for the coming basketball season, my agent recently got contacted by a national team coach who invited me to play on Israel's under 25 national team for the world university games thisummer aug 12-23rd. For those of you who don't know, it's kind of like the olympics for college aged-ish athletes. Here's the webpage for the basketball part of the tournament, and you can click around for info on the entire tournament: Some of the other events include judo,volleyball, tennis, and more. 

If you didn't figure it out from the title of the blog or if you didn't click on the link (what loser wouldn't click on the link?), the tournament is being held in Shenzhen, China 
(,Shenzhen,+Guangdong,+China&ei=mB8WTqGeIIPY0QGlpqh1&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=2&ved=0CFMQ8gEwAQ). I had no idea it was going to be there and was really excited when I heard. I've never really traveled anywhere so looking forward to it.

Only thing is, because the tournament starts near the beginning of August, the coach of the team wants me in Israel ASAP to start practicing with the team. So, while I still need to wait for my immigration visa to get approved, I'll be leaving Canada almost asoon as my visa comes back. Instead of being here until mid-late August, I'll be gone probably in 2 weeks max. Kinda sad because in my head I was planning on being around for a while, but I definitely couldn't resist playing for the national team and a trip to China. By the time the tournament is done and we're back in Israel it will be late August and almost time to start the pro season with my team, so I won't have a chance to come back home... possibly not until next May or June. So don't be shy, say your goodbyes now if your in Toronto. 

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